Automoba Automatic bulk relisting tool with mobaok

  • Model: mobaok-relist
  • 10 Units in Stock

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Mobaoku bulk automatic relisting tool using Selenium.

Web scraping, whether you are using Google chrome or Firefox
Is a tool that works automatically.

1. login

2. Finished product

3. [Relist]

4. Close browser and restart

5. Return to 1.

Will continue fully automatic until [Relist] disappears.

To make the tool work
Enter a few lines of commands in Terminal
Install Ruby and Selenium

People who can solve by themselves for now
It is targeted.

Change log
#2019-3-1 Ver 1.7.1
#Migrated from firefox to work with chrome.
#2019-2-14 Ver 1.6.1
#Now works in headless mode
#2018-6-27 Ver 1.5.1
#Fixed not to collect the Firefox geckodriver process accumulated by fork.
#2018-6-26 Ver 1.5
# Added setting to not load images.
# We made it possible to re-listen at a higher speed.
#2018-6-19 Ver 1.4
# The program is ended when there are no re-listings.
#2018-5-30 Ver 1.3
#Fixed a bug that browsers are consuming too much memory and re-listing cannot be continued due to insufficient memory.
# By closing the browser after every re-listing, we will continue to re-sell without any stress in the memory saving.
#2017-10-16 Ver 1.2
# Resolve frequent drops during operation by restarting automatically
#2017-8-30 Ver 1.1
# Since image authentication sometimes appears at login, wait for 20 seconds to enter manually
#2017-8-28 Ver 1.0
# Mobaoku's re-listing specification has been changed, and it is supposed to manually check the shipping method with accident compensation one by one. This tool is to re-exhibit by checking the Yu-Pack with accident compensation.
#Enter your login password in lines 39 and 41
#> ruby ​​mobaok.rb
# Re-listing continues until execution ends.

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 28 October, 2019.


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